Pollination Pockets
A service project of the Rotary Club of Batavia

Why Care About Pollinators?
Just imagine your dining table without the delectable fruits of apples, blueberries, cherries and peaches or the versatile pumpkin or zucchini. Flowering plants and their associated pollinators are responsible for the vast majority of our food: an estimated one out of every four mouthfuls of food and beverage. Pollinators are also crucial, directly, or indirectly, for production of dyes, medicines, and fibers such as cotton.
Pollinators sustain plant communities by pollinating native plants that provide food, nesting, and shelter for wildlife. Pollinators include butterflies, moths, beetles, hummingbirds, bats, flies, and wasps. In North America 99% of pollinators are insects and of those, most are bees.
Unfortunately, pollinators are in perilous decline. Gardeners can be a positive influence on pollinator populations and diversity if we all do our part to plant pollinator-friendly gardens.
The Rotary club of Batavia is building “Pollinator Pockets”, as suggested by University of Illinois Extension. Our goal is to spread the idea and beauty of these mini-pollinator gardens throughout the community.
We are showing by our example how easy it is to help endangered pollinators while adding beauty to our environment.
How about planting one in your yard?
Contact Mark Lucas, 847-915-9212, for more information.
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