Sheriff Pat Perez - Sheriff’s Dept. Update


Kane County Sheriff Pat Perez shared an update on the work of the Sheriff’s Department. He emphasizethat “not everyone who lands in my jail is a bad person; many just made a bad decision." 

…There has been a downturn in violent crimes. Aurora so far has no homicides this year.

…There has been an increase in thefts and burglaries. Most are crimes of opportunity.

…There have been 5100 foreclosure sales this year. While this generates $2.5 million in revenue, it is a tragic sign of the times.

…The jail has a capacity of 640 inmates; the average population is 608. This has enabled the county to house federal inmates, which generates additional revenue for the county.

…With a population 200,000 larger than when Pat entered office 10 years ago, they are functioning with 10 less officers.